Welcome to Rawson Medical Centre's website!
Here at Rawson Medical Centre (a GPA accredited practice), we pride ourselves on providing quality health are services to all our patients.
Our Mixed Billing practice is open 6 days a week (closed Public holidays). We are open until 7pm on weekdays to cater to the needs of working families. The practice is fully computerised.
Our practice is conveniently located in Genesis building at Rawson Street, Epping - right opposite Coles Supermarket. It is a short 2 minute walk from Epping Railway Station. Plenty of convenient parking is available, in and around the buliding. And of course, the area is well serviced by public transport.
All staff value your time and it would be appreciated where possible, if you could make an appointment. Standard consultations at this practice are 15 minutes apart. We try to accommodate patients without appointments (Walk-in) at the earliest possible time. Appointments can now be booked through the practice website or the Health Engine app. Patients should produce their Medicare card and/or concession card at every consultation. Patients can also call the practice to make a telehealth appointment if they are an existing patient of our practice and have had at least one in person appointment with any of our GPs in the last one year.
The last appointment from Monday to Friday is at 6:45pm.
On Saturday the last appointment is at 12:45pm.
Longer Appointments
If your appointment is for something other than a standard consultation, e.g. insurance, several problems, a chronic health problem, special medical report, pre-employment examination or procedure, women's or men's health check, please inform the receptionist staff when you make an appointment so that extra time can be allowed.
After Hours
Please contact Family Care Medical Services on 13 74 25 (13 SICK) OR Sydney Medical Cooperative Ltd on 1300 466 347 (1300 HOMEGP)
In case of Emergency, dial "000" and/or contact your nearest hospital.
To book an appointment to see a doctor, please use the button below.
Certification Number
Accredited by
Quality Practice Accreditation Pty Ltd