Mixed Billing/Bulk Billing Medical Practice

Mon - Fri : 9am - 7pm
Sat : 9am - 1pm

Closed Sundays & Public Holidays

(02) 9868 1823
(02) 9868 3584

After Hours
13 74 25 (13 SICK)
1300 466 347 (1300 HOMEGP)

Fax: (02) 9868 2352

Suite 23, Upper Ground
Genesis Building
74 Rawson Street
Epping NSW 2121

Services and Fees


Regular health checks and early presentation to a doctor when any symptoms are felt or when changes occur in your body, is essential as part of preventative care.

As well as routine consultations, the following services are also available.

  • Workcover, Company Medicals and Pre-Employment check up
  • Children's health, including baby growth and development checks
  • Skin cancer screening, treatments and minor surgery
  • Women's health, Pap smear, Breast check and Pregnancy test
  • Electrocardiograph (ECG/Heart) check
  • Acupuncture, Counselling and Travel health
  • Immunisations for adults and children
  • Medical checks for insurance and driving
  • Immunisations for adults and children
  • Men's health issues
  • Spirometry
  • We are a Yellow Fever vaccine accredited centre. We provide all relevant travel vaccinations depending on the nature of your travel arrangements. Please call the centre for more information

We can also arrange consultation with a qualified Sleep Studies Specialist and Dietician.
Pathology Collection Service (Laverty) is available.

Home/Nursing Home Visits

Home visits are available to our regular patients living in the local area and who have substantial medical/mobility problems.
Contact our receptionist with relevant details for an appointment.
House visits are not routinely bulk billed.

Interpreter Services

Our medical practice provides a health service that accommodates a diverse multicultural population including those with communication impairment.
Translation and Interpreter Services is available on 1300 121 450.


We are introducing Mixed Billing from July 1, 2024.

We will continue to Bulk Bill for the following:

  1. Children under 18 years and patients over 65 years (pension card holders)
  2. DVA card holders/ Health care and Concession card holders
  3. Mental health care plan, health assessment and chronic health management plan
  4. Government funded immunizations and all vaccinations
  5. Telehealth restricted to prescriptions and referrals only
  6. Patients aged 70 and over who have been with the medical practice for over 2 years

Patients over the age of 18, following Medicare rules will apply

  • Patient of the practice for over 2 years and if patient has visited the practice for a face to face consultation at least once in previous 6 months, we offer Medicare Bulk Bill for short 5 mins consultations like script, pathology referral, referral letter, immunization, vaccination and follow up of results
  • Consultations involving medical examination and/or issue of medical certificate, following gap fees will apply:
Consultation Gap
Less than 20 mins (Level B) $30.00
More than 20 mins but less than 40 mins (Level C)  $30.00
More than 40 mins (Level D) $30.00
  • Patients who have not kept their appointment/do not show up (without cancelling their appointment) are not treated as patient of the practice and gap fees will apply
  • Walk in patients may have to pay gap fees
  • Telephone consultations that involve clinical consultation and/or the issue of medical certificates will attract the gap fees
  • For long-standing patients of the practice and patients with chronic medical conditions a special discount will be considered, at the discretion of the doctor
  • Students aged 18 to 21 with a valid student ID card and patients over 65 years of age will get a special discount of $15 for consultation
  • Please check with reception staff about your Medicare status before consultation

Private & Overseas visitors: Adults & Children

With effect from July 1, 2024

Consultation Consultation Level Fees
First visit Level C $115.00
Follow up Level B $70.00
For scripts and vaccinations Level B $70.00

Medical Test for Driver Fitness: $110.00 (inclusive of GST)

Worker's Compensation and Third Party claims will be charged the standard Australian Medical Association (AMA) fee.

Other Fees

Faxing documents (including referral letters to Specialists and Radiology requests) $3.00 per page
Photocopying 50c per page
Postage $1.50

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To book an appointment to see a doctor, please use the button below.

Certification Number

Accredited by
Quality Practice Accreditation Pty Ltd